Location: 1025 Andrew Drive West Chester,PA 19380 Phone: 610-429-4920
Duration: Approximately 60 minutes
Abundance Exchange: Your smile:)
Chamberlain Chiropractics is graciously hosting Christi to speak about connecting to the Miracle of YOU. Everyone is a Beautiful Miracle & connecting to this Truth...to your Authentic Self...will change your Life! You are born BIG...LIMITLESS BEYOND BELIEF!! Let's talk about how to access that power...that Light...that Truth...& begin to Imagine your NEW Life ~ Loving & Living it!!
Dr.Jeff Chamberlain is a fellow Journeyman...& has shared with me not only his skill as a chiropractor, but his Beautiful Light! If you have been considering Chiropractic Care, please use this opportunity to check him out & his space. ~Christi