Happy 2015!
Did you set New Year's Resolutions? How are they going for you so far? Are they of the lose weight- stop smoking- save money kind of resolution?
This year choose one~a new one:
Love yourself more
Why this one? There is only one of you in the whole world! Can you see your beautiful bright light? Do you know you were made to shine? What a unique & precious gift you are to everyone...makes me smile just thinking of you! Do you believe it?
If you don't feel that way, how will you ever be truly happy & fully shining?
Start with love of self & watch it light you up! Here are a couple of quick ideas to get you started:
Look in the mirror...really look at yourself in the eyes & say aloud "I am a unique & precious gift. I am loved. I am love." Can you feel it? I know it sounds silly, but trust me.
Eat your meal at the table with a candle lit, cloth napkins, your special dishes(that until this point you've only used at the holidays),nice music, maybe flowers...go crazy! Make this experience special for YOU! It may seem like extra work, but aren't you worth it?!
Be kind to yourself. Every time you think along the lines of I should have done this instead or I shouldn't have said that & what was I thinking even considering....stop yourself. Say "stop" in your mind & then comfort yourself as you would a good friend.