Simply DeLIGHTful ~ Hot Chocolate

I believe that staying in the moment & enjoying the simply pleasures in Life is where Happiness lives. I'm being inspired to start sharing how I experience the simply deLIGHTfuls...I hope that these make you smile as they do me:)

There is nothing better than a decadent mug of hot chocolate! First, I like to have the right mug handle...not good if I have to smush all of my fingers through...although I will;)  I never used to notice the lip of the mug, but have since experienced a lip on a cup that is divine! It just feels good as it caresses my lip as I sip. When it is set down, in front of me, it makes me smile at its beauty. I love to take a moment & appreciate it in all its splendor.  Different flavors & toppings abound too....YAY!!! Now is the tricky part, I'm shimmering with excitement that my chocolate heavenly experience has arrived & now I have to wait! Patience...I will tell you how I feel about that concept another time!...let's just say... when it comes to my hot chocolate, it is truly a test... often one that I the point where my tongue is burned & now I don't get to taste the rest:'( But when I pass the test, ahhh....I am rewarded with an experience Heaven sent. I will sit in silence as I allow the warmth to flow throughmy hands.  The smell, the taste, ahhhh...yes, I will at times tell the person I am with that they will need to stop talking a minute because I will not hear what they are saying. I'm in the intimate space with my hot eyes will close so I can feel all of it. A smile & sigh of complete happiness usually follows.


How do you drink your hot chocolate? Your coffee? I hope you experience yours with the same smile & sigh of complete happiness that I enJOY with mine. Simply DeLIGHTful!

~ Christi Rafferty