O Christmas Tree!!! I plugged everything in for my tree and the top part did not light & there are unlit bald spots in other places as well. I did the usual shaking of the branches, the jiggling of the cords, & praying, but to no avail. As I looked, I thought of what I could do to fix it...& then I let it go. It was not a usual response for me...& I thought it would bother me as the days went by...because it should be lit in all the right places, but so far it continues to make me smile. My tree is what it is...& it is perfect just as it is...& I am choosing to allow it to be. What do you need to let go of? What are you wanting to fix...that should just be allowed to be? Where can you find JOY even in the unlit places? TRUST yourself to know the answers & follow your heart!
~ Christi Rafferty