Good Morning, Sunshine!

This May: I have been divorced for a year, I celebrated the 3rd anniversary of my Spiritual awakening, & it is my official birth month....yes, I'm a Gemini:) It is the month that I chose to release the picture in my mind of who I thought I was supposed to be....a water-downed version of myself I didn't recognize or connect to....& decided to instead become the person I am meant to be. I freed myself from the opinions of others as I realized my path is mine.  I released the limits I had put upon myself for what was possible in my life...& decided the world is my playground. I don't know how things will unfold, but am HAPPY to be on this I continue to discover what makes me ME...& to explore all the wonder-filled experiences life truly has to offer ...with an open heart, a sparkle in my eye, & my theme song playing in my mind (ok...I admit...I'm not sure which one I want...but I want one;))

Why share all of this? More Spring cleaning;) 

What is holding you back from being all of YOU? The YOU you were born to be?  Is it a job? A relationship? Or is it the limits you've placed on yourself?  Release or work on whatever is keeping you from being YOU!  The world needs your light...& you need your HAPPY!;)

~ Christi Rafferty