I just returned from visiting my Gram in NC and what a JOY it was to spend time with her!!! The BEST was Strawberry Shake Day!!! She was ordering soup & a grilled cheese when I asked her what she would like to drink. I told her what they had & mentioned that they even had shakes. Her eyes lit up & she didn't hesitate...I want a Strawberry Shake...I haven't had one in years!!! Now, this is a woman who has a small cup of soup & 1/2 a sandwich to eat... & who will then probably be too full for dinner or might have the other 1/2 of the sandwich. She drank the whole thing...the glass that they serve it in as well as the whole one left in the metal shaker!!She took it into the car to finish....I told her she could put it in the cup holder if she wanted. She eyed me & said I don't think so...I laughed & asked innocently, "Don't you trust me?". Let me tell you....the answer was no...she wasn't going to risk it!;)LOL
Is there something you Love that you haven't experienced in awhile? Drinking a shake? Blowing bubbles? Roasting marshmallows? What's stopping you? Today do it & feel the JOY!!!
~ Christi Rafferty