"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
... a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance.." Eccliesiastes 3...3:4
Shared by Kevin Bacon's character in the original movie Footloose;) Of course, you all know how I love to dance...not saying I'm good at it, mind you...just that I love it!!! Yesterday, however, was a time for me to weep. There are times when tears come up from places & reasons unknown. Through my work, I have come to believe that tears are truly healing and necessary...of course, I am more at home comforting & witnessing someone else's healing time than my own;) We all must learn to allow ourselves to experience the full range of our emotions when they happen. It is energy moving through us if we allow...although most of us are used to ignoring or stuffing the ones we don't want to feel. Unfortunately, they will only pop up later....& at the same time dims the ones we do want to feel too. So whatever you are experiencing today, allow yourself to do so...with all of YOU & know that it is in perfect time. I'm visiting family today...& I know it will be a time to LAUGH!!!
~ Christi Rafferty