"To everything (turn, turn, turn)....there is a season (turn, turn, turn)...And a time to every purpose, under Heaven." ~ song by The Byrds
Spirit had me put music on before I sat to write this morning's blog & this was the song that came on. I laughed out loud...sound familiar? Trusting that everything is just as it needs to be...that there is a time & a purpose for what is happening right now in your life...can sometimes be challenging...especially when it is a time to just simply BE. To just sit & allow ourselves the time & space to truly feel what we are feeling..to allow ourselves to feel what we have hidden, denied, forgotten...what we have purposely kept away by staying busy, disconnected, etc...what we would say doesn't even exist...is challenging. We would rather be anywhere else & our mind happily agrees that it is a waste of time...not productive. Yet there are times in our lives when we are asked to do just that...to stop everything...to begin to truly know ourselves...to start to heal & become whole again. It takes courage to stand quietly before yourself, vulnerable, & say I am willing to hear you & feel what you have been feeling...that YOU have my attention & my love ~ 100%.
If you are being led to this in your life right now...I know there are many...know that there is a purpose for it & allow it. This is your time to see YOU...for you...& YOU are truly maginificent!!! HUGS!!!
~ Christi Rafferty