Let's Talk About Love Connections
7:00 PM19:00

Let's Talk About Love Connections

Cost: $25
Duration: 60minutes
Remote: Via Zoom

Experience your Brilliance
…FEEL more Peace, JOY & Love.

Soulmates...Twin Flames, Uncommon Bonds, True Love

…all expressions of Love Connections that are thrown around,

but what do they really mean to you? 

First let me say, I am a romantic and believe in Happily Ever After.

That being said, my ideas on these Love Connections have evolved as I have on this Spiritual Journey.

When is the last time you’ve given real thought to Love and how you experience it through these powerful relationships?

doubleheart lights in sky.png

Are you waiting for your soulmate?

Who would you consider a soulmate?

What does a soulmate connection FEEL like?

How do you FEEL more Love in your Life?

How do you prepare yourself to give & receive the kind of Love these type of connections Inspire?

Let's talk about Love!
xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love...Simply Shine

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Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course
7:00 PM19:00

Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course

Cost: $155 for 6-week course
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes (9 hours)
Remote: Via Zoom

Experience your Brilliance
…FEEL more Peace, JOY & Love.

Life is uncertain…always changing…unpredictable. We are living that Truth more now than ever.
So how do you choose to embrace Life? Let’s open our arms wide…and Dance.

Imagine Learning to:

girl dancing in field.png
  • Quiet your mind chatter…you are not your thoughts…clear your mind

  • Embrace Positivity…choose your thoughts

  • Be more Kind to You…Open you heart wider…give to yourSelf

  • Stretch your comfort zone…take one step…experience more Life…you are Limitless

  • Let Go…of expectations, worry, the past, control…

  • Celebrate YOU…you are a one-of-a-kind Miracle…experience your Spirit

  • PLAY…access your child-like Wonder…create…dance with Life

I am an experiential teacher.

Mastering the lessons listed above is a life-long practice, but playing with them…giving them attention every day for the past 10 years has changed me & the way I interact & view the World
…and it just gets better all the time.

girls dancing 2 little.png

Sooo I want to share with you
….to bring these teachings alive for you
so you may FEEL them
…practice, apply & embody them in your Life.

Choose to DANCE
..and feel more Love, JOY & Peace every day.

Can’t wait…let’s PLAY!
xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Oracle Card Reading-Beginner's Class
7:00 PM19:00

Oracle Card Reading-Beginner's Class

Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Location: Remote via Zoom
Cost: $35.00

Connect to your Spirit...
to Spirit that is everywhere...
through Oracle Cards.

Why Oracle Cards?

my oracle cards.JPG

It is a visual tangible way to bring your connection to Spirit forward 

so you may benefit from its Wisdom 

And FEEL Comforted, Inspired & Loved

...and plus, it is FUN!:)

I Love looking at and holding Beauuuutiful mini works of art in my hands

...and laying them out to see what I will discover!

I am an experiential teacher.

feet in puddle.png

This is a roll-up-your-sleeves,


and DO it workshop.

You will learn

how to lay out the Oracle Cards

in the Celtic Cross

and discover the messages

that are being shared through them.


I Believe in You!

Yes…you can do it!

I will be here to cheer you on & Light the way.

Can’t wait…let’s PLAY!
xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Expand Your Comfort Zone ~6 week course
to Mar 14

Expand Your Comfort Zone ~6 week course

Duration: Approximately 90 minutes (9 hours)
Location: Remote via Zoom
Cost: $155.00 ~ 6-week course

Experience Your Brilliance
…and bring more    
excitement, JOY, & confidence
into your Life!

Imagine living:

woman on swing over a fall.png

Adventurously & passionately… at the edge of your comfort zone & continuing beyond

Every precious moment fully…confident & present in the NOW

Creatively…manifesting your dreams

Completely connected to YOU…the Limitless Being you are

It starts with a teeny tiny 

S T R E T C H.

I am an experiential teacher

feet in puddle.png

This is a roll-up-your-sleeves ,


and DO it workshop

…in teeny tiny steps:)

We all have things we’d like to try

…and things we’d like to change.

What are you waiting for…an invitation?!

Well…here it is:)

I invite you to come 

S T R E T C H.


I Believe in You!!!

I am here to cheer you on

 & Light the way.

Can’t wait…let’s PLAY!

"I recently completed the Expand Your Comfort Zone class and I highly recommend it. Wherever you are in your journey, Christi provides inspiration, gentle suggestions, and encouragement. It is a fun class, without pressure, in the presence of others who hold space and expand with you." Susie Y.

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Guided Meditation for Children of ALL Ages ~6:30pm
6:30 PM18:30

Guided Meditation for Children of ALL Ages ~6:30pm

A Gift for YOU: Free
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes meditation…discussion after
Location: Remote via Zoom

Special Guided Meditation for Children,Teenagers
....& even your College Students studying from home;)

They benefit from Guided Meditation in the same way you do
...and this is a perfect opportunity to share the practice with them.

Take some time to be Still,
connect to yourSelf & Loved Ones,
…and experience Peace.

Imagine FEELing:

stack of rocks up close.png

Relaxed…all your muscles ease

Calm…emotions settle

Clear…mind chatter stops…nothing to do, fix, or worry about…no critical voice

Centered & Grounded…present in the NOW

Limitless…Awareness expands

Through Guided Meditation

heart hands with sun.png

I open up, connect to Spirit, and allow my words to be uniquely Inspired. 

I speak the whole time sharing through beautiful imagery & words the…

Wisdom, Love, Energy

…that flow through me.

Will it work for you? 

lake with dock at sunset.png

Guided Meditation works for everyone

So no worries for the perfectionists,
those who have never meditated before
or who think that their minds are too busy…

I was all of those at one time;)LOL

I Know you can do it and am SO Excited for you!!!

Note to Children of All Ages:

fingerpainting hands.jpg

Come PLAY with me! 

Together we will:

Shut our eyes...peeking IS allowed:)

Sit still ~ don't worry...this part can be tricky for me sometimes too;)...we just do our Best.

Have an Adventure!...through a kind of storytelling...with colors and pictures...very much like the kind you use in the Land of Imagination.

Have FUN!...YES! That too, of course!:)

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Oracle Card Reading-Beginner's Class
7:00 PM19:00

Oracle Card Reading-Beginner's Class

Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Location: Remote via Zoom
Cost: $35.00

Connect to your Spirit...
to Spirit that is everywhere...
through Oracle Cards.

Why Oracle Cards?

my oracle cards.JPG

It is a visual tangible way to bring your connection to Spirit forward 

so you may benefit from its Wisdom 

And FEEL Comforted, Inspired & Loved

...and plus, it is FUN!:)

I Love looking at and holding Beauuuutiful mini works of art in my hands

...and laying them out to see what I will discover!

I am an experiential teacher.

feet in puddle.png

This is a roll-up-your-sleeves,


and DO it workshop.

You will learn

how to lay out the Oracle Cards

in the Celtic Cross

and discover the messages

that are being shared through them.


I Believe in You!

Yes…you can do it!

I will be here to cheer you on & Light the way.

Can’t wait…let’s PLAY!
xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Guided Meditation ~7:30pm
7:30 PM19:30

Guided Meditation ~7:30pm

A Gift for YOU: Free
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Location: Remote via Zoom

Take some time to connect to YOU…
to find your way back to center
 …and experience Peace.

Imagine FEELing:

stack of rocks up close.png

Relaxed…all your muscles ease

Calm…emotions settle

Clear…mind chatter stops…nothing to do, fix, or worry about…no critical voice

Centered & Grounded…present in the NOW

Limitless…Awareness expands

Through Guided Meditation

heart hands with sun.png

I open up, connect to Spirit, and allow my words to be uniquely Inspired. 

I speak the whole time sharing through beautiful imagery & words the…

Wisdom, Love, Energy

…that flow through me.

Will it work for you? 

lake with dock at sunset.png

Guided Meditation works for everyone

So no worries for the perfectionists,
those who have never meditated before
or who think that their minds are too busy…

I was all of those at one time;)LOL

I Know you can do it and am SO Excited for you!!!

Happy to be of Service!:)
With Love, Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course
7:00 PM19:00

Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course

Cost: $155 for 6-week course
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes (9 hours)
Remote: Via Zoom

Experience your Brilliance
…FEEL more Peace, JOY & Love.

Life is uncertain…always changing…unpredictable. We are living that Truth more now than ever.
So how do you choose to embrace Life? Let’s open our arms wide…and Dance.

Imagine Learning to:

girl dancing in field.png
  • Quiet your mind chatter…you are not your thoughts…clear your mind

  • Embrace Positivity…choose your thoughts

  • Be more Kind to You…Open you heart wider…give to yourSelf

  • Stretch your comfort zone…take one step…experience more Life…you are Limitless

  • Let Go…of expectations, worry, the past, control…

  • Celebrate YOU…you are a one-of-a-kind Miracle…experience your Spirit

  • PLAY…access your child-like Wonder…create…dance with Life

I am an experiential teacher.

Mastering the lessons listed above is a life-long practice, but playing with them…giving them attention every day for the past 10 years has changed me & the way I interact & view the World
…and it just gets better all the time.

girls dancing 2 little.png

Sooo I want to share with you
….to bring these teachings alive for you
so you may FEEL them
…practice, apply & embody them in your Life.

Choose to DANCE
..and feel more Love, JOY & Peace every day.

Can’t wait…let’s PLAY!
xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Guided Meditation ~7:30pm
7:30 PM19:30

Guided Meditation ~7:30pm

A Gift for YOU: Free
Duration: Approximately 45 minutes
Location: Remote via Google Meet

Take some time to connect to YOU…
to find your way back to center
 …and experience Peace.

Imagine FEELing:

stack of rocks up close.png

Relaxed…all your muscles ease

Calm…emotions settle

Clear…mind chatter stops…nothing to do, fix, or worry about…no critical voice

Centered & Grounded…present in the NOW

Limitless…Awareness expands

Through Guided Meditation

heart hands with sun.png

I open up, connect to Spirit, and allow my words to be uniquely Inspired. 

I speak the whole time sharing through beautiful imagery & words the…

Wisdom, Love, Energy

…that flow through me.

Will it work for you? 

lake with dock at sunset.png

Guided Meditation works for everyone

So no worries for the perfectionists,
those who have never meditated before
or who think that their minds are too busy…

I was all of those at one time;)LOL

I Know you can do it and am SO Excited for you!!!

Happy to be of Service!:)
With Love, Christi

Be YOU…Be Love…Simply Shine

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Dancing with Uncertainty ~ 7:00pm
7:00 PM19:00

Dancing with Uncertainty ~ 7:00pm

Duration:  Approximately 2 hours

Abundance Exchange:  FREE*

Location: Remote via Google Meetings (meet.google.com)

*Please register so you may receive your room code. Thank you.

In January 2019, Christi placed all of her belongings into storage and set off with the intention to go where Spirit led. Her only known plan was to start the journey at an ashram in Virgina.  

Learning to dance with Uncertainty…to experience JOY, FREEDOM, and PEACE when everything is up in the air…is a journey unto itself…one that she began to travel in 2012. For almost 2 years, Christi has been consciously exploring and experiencing this way of Living.

She asked the following questions along the way:

Am I willing to surrender? Why do I want to? How much in my life am I willing to surrender? What would it look like?  Feel like?  How do I let go? What if I could learn not only to surrender, but to step up and dance with Uncertainty? 

Please come join us…we would Love to have your Beauuuutiful Presence!

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Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course
to Jul 11

Dancing with Uncertainty ~6-Week Course

Cost: $155 for 6-week course
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Remote: Via Zoom

Experience your Brilliance
…FEEL more JOY, Peace, & Love.

Life is uncertain…always changing…unpredictable. We are living that Truth more Now than ever.
So how do you choose to embrace Life? Let’s open our arms wide…and Dance.

Imagine Learning to:

girl dancing in field.png
  • Quiet your mind chatter…you are not your thoughts…clear your mind

  • Embrace Positivity…choose your thoughts

  • Be more Grateful & Kind to Self…Open you heart wider

  • Stretch your comfort zone…take one step…experience more Life…you are Limitless

  • Let Go…of expectations, worry, the past, control…

  • Be connected to YOU…FEELing centered & balanced no matter what is happening in your life

  • Celebrate YOU…you are a one-of-a-kind Miracle…experience your Spirit

  • PLAY…access your child-like Wonder…create…dance with Life

I am an experiential teacher.

I learn best through experience… when I FEEL something. I hope to bring these teachings alive for you in this way …so you may practice, apply & embody them in your Life ..and feel more JOY, Love & Peace every day

…and of course, simply shine;)

Happy to be of Service! With Love, Christi

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Reiki II Class
4:00 PM16:00

Reiki II Class

Duration: Approximately 5-7 hours 

Abundance Exchange: $265.00

You have already received a taste of Reiki during your Level I class.  Are you ready to open yourself up further & make a stronger connection to this Universal (Source) Energy? You will learn Reiki symbols & how to use them...including how to send Reiki from a distance. This is an experiential class with the intention that you will leave feeling confident & comfortable sharing Reiki.  

"Allowing myself to open & be used at my highest level of service is such a blessing in my life. I hope you feel the same JOY as you continue on your path." ~ Christi Rafferty


This Reiki II class will include the following:


•Guided Meditation

•Explanation of Sacred Symbols


•Hands-On Training◦without symbols & with them

•Distant Healing ~ Practice

•Certificate of Course Completion


View Event →
Reiki II Class
10:00 AM10:00

Reiki II Class

Duration: Approximately 5-7 hours 

Abundance Exchange: $265.00

You have already received a taste of Reiki during your Level I class.  Are you ready to open yourself up further & make a stronger connection to this Universal (Source) Energy? You will learn Reiki symbols & how to use them...including how to send Reiki from a distance. This is an experiential class with the intention that you will leave feeling confident & comfortable sharing Reiki.  

"Allowing myself to open & be used at my highest level of service is such a blessing in my life. I hope you feel the same JOY as you continue on your path." ~ Christi Rafferty


This Reiki II class will include the following:


•Guided Meditation

•Explanation of Sacred Symbols


•Hands-On Training◦without symbols & with them

•Distant Healing ~ Practice

•Certificate of Course Completion


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Reiki Master Class
9:30 AM09:30

Reiki Master Class

Duration: Approximately 5-6 hours: depending on number of students ~ lunch provided

Abundance Exchange: $350.00

Many of you have been asking Christi to teach another Reiki Master Class...so here it is!!! She took her Reiki I level in 2007 & has been an active practitioner ever since.  Christi received her Reiki Master training from William Lee Rand (President of the International Reiki Center for Training).

If you want to deepen your relationship with Reiki or teach others how to tap into Reiki, this is for you! As always, I am an experiential teacher....my biggest desire is that you feel comfortable using what you have learned by the end of class. I love sharing Reiki...& am looking forward to passing my love along. ~Christi

This Reiki Master Class includes the following:

  • Handouts

  • Guided Meditation

  • Master Attunement

  • Learning New Symbols

  • Practice giving the attunements

  • Certificate of Reiki Master class completion


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Reiki I Class
10:00 AM10:00

Reiki I Class

Duration: Approximately 5 hours                                                 

Abundance Exchange: $175.00

Reiki has been defined as a Japanese technique for stress reduction & relaxation which facilitates healing. It is based on the spiritual teachings of Mikao Usui during the early 20th century. Reiki is based on the idea that there is a universal (or Source) energy that supports the body's innate healing abilities. This energy is tapped into by the Reiki practitioner & allowed to flow through their hands to the recipient. 

Christi has been an active Reiki practitioner since 2007. She received her Reiki Master Training & Attunement from William Lee Rand (Founder & President of the International Center for Reiki Training) several years later.  

Reiki was the beginning of my spiritual journey. It opened me up to experience the world in a whole new way and my life has never been the same. I am truly grateful and want to extend that opportunity to you. ~ Christi Rafferty 

This Reiki I class will include the following:


•Guided Meditation

•Historical Overview of Reiki


•Hands-On Training

◦Hand Positions

◦Scanning Method

•Certificate of Course Completion



    View Event →
    Book: The Power of NOW
    7:00 PM19:00

    Book: The Power of NOW

    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

    February 5th at 7:00pm  

    Time: 120 minutes 

    Abundance Exchange: $45.00

    Class size: Limited to 12

    For February, we will be exploring The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This book discusses how to transform your thinking...by explaining that YOU are not your thoughts.. & how to become more connected to your True Essence by being present in the moment. It is the perfect follow-up to our discussion of Ask & It Is Given.

    This continued book exploration will help to connect you to the Miraculous YOU that awaits…waiting & wanting to SHINE! Take this time for you....for your Spiritual growth....Seeking changes your life in ways you couldn't have imagined. Simply SHINE!!

    "The selected books for each month have all had a powerful impact on my own Spiritual Path…my own Journey within. You may have read them or they may be new to you, either way, these books continue to offer something new." ~ Christi  

    note: class may be cancelled if a minimum number of students is not met


    View Event →
    Empowered Light Expo
    11:00 AM11:00

    Empowered Light Expo

    Christi Rafferty

    October 29th 11:00am - Noon

    Speaking at the Empowered Light Expo

    Cost: no extra charge...included with the entrance fee to the Expo

    Location: Greater Philadelphia Expo Center 100 Station Ave. Oaks, PA 19456  

    Christi will share about her path as a medium & channeler and the lessons she has learned along the way.  She will also share messages directly from Spirit as she enters an altered Inspired state.  There’s only one of you in the whole world…& Spirit through Christi wants to show you & make you FEEL just how precious YOU are! Come laugh, cry & SHINE with us!

    "There will be so many wonderful lectures...so come & be Inspired!!! Love to see you there!!" ~ Christi


    The Expo is focused on Healthy Holistic Lifestyles, Spiritual Development & Classes, and Products for a Healthier YOU.

    For more information: www.empoweredlight.com

    View Event →
    Meet Your Animal Guides
    6:30 PM18:30

    Meet Your Animal Guides

    Duration: 120 minutes

    Abundance Exchange: $45.00

    Are you interested in meeting your "Team" who is on the Other Side cheering you on? Not only do you have Spirit Guides, but you also have Animal Guides who bring you gifts & guidance as well.

    Come explore this possibility with Christi! She will cover in this class:

    • Who they are?
    • How to connect & work with them?
    • What attributes do they bring?
    • A guided-meditation to meet them

    note: class may be cancelled if a minimum number of students is not met

    View Event →
    I AM Beauty ~ Know it...Claim it!!!
    6:30 PM18:30

    I AM Beauty ~ Know it...Claim it!!!

    You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

    This is Truth! It is time to Know ~ I am Beauty.

    Time to see your Light & to simply SHINE!!! 


    Duration: 180 minutes (2.5 hours)

    Abundance Exchange: $55.00 (special for this first time only)      

    This time together will be spent expanding your vision of YOU…to change the thought patterns that have not been supportive of your Magnificent Beauty!!! Come with a friend, your mother, your daughter, your sister…YES! It’s going to be a Lovefest… to celebrate the Beauty of ALL women!!!

    Time together will include:

    • Messages from Spirit/Christi on just how Beautiful & Miraculous you are!
    • Exercises to shift your thoughts
    • Meditation
    • project to make visual Self-Beauty word art
    • ...& more

    You will need to bring:

    • A beauty/fashion type of magazine or 2 that can be cut up
    • scissors
    • A small mirror
    • Journal


    note: class may be cancelled if a minimum number of students is not met

    View Event →
    Spirit Guides II Class
    7:00 PM19:00

    Spirit Guides II Class

    Duration: 90 minutes

    Abundance Exchange: $35.00

    Christi heard your request & is excited to offer this class...to assist you in connecting & drawing closer to your Guides. Although everyone's connection & path is unique, it is wonderful to travel with fellow adventurers...so come learn & support each other. 

    The class will include:

    • A new guided meditation to meet/interact with them
    • Discussion on ways to enhance connection & communication
    • Time for sharing & asking questions since last class
    View Event →
    Reiki I Class ~ Evening
    4:00 PM16:00

    Reiki I Class ~ Evening

    Duration: Approximately 5 hours ~ dinner provided                                                

    Abundance Exchange: $150.00

    Reiki has been defined as a Japanese technique for stress reduction & relaxation which facilitates healing. It is based on the spiritual teachings of Mikao Usui during the early 20th century. Reiki is based on the idea that there is a universal (or Source) energy that supports the body's innate healing abilities. This energy is tapped into by the Reiki practitioner & allowed to flow through their hands to the recipient. 

    Reiki was the beginning of my spiritual journey. It opened me up to experience the world in a whole new way and my life has never been the same. I am truly grateful and want to extend that opportunity to you. ~ Christi Rafferty

    This Reiki I class will include the following:


    •Guided Meditation

    •Historical Overview of Reiki


    •Hands-On Training

    ◦Hand Positions

    ◦Scanning Method

    •Certificate of Course Completion


    View Event →
    Meet Your Spirit Guides
    7:00 PM19:00

    Meet Your Spirit Guides

    Duration: 90 minutes

    Abundance Fee: $35.00

    Interested in knowing who is in your corner always cheering you on? ~Other than Christi, of course;)

    Want to be able to connect with them? 

    Christi's classes are experiential in nature & this class is no different. It will cover:

    • Who is a Spirit Guide?
    • How do you connect & work with them?
    • A guided-meditation to meet them

    Note: class may be cancelled if a minimum number of students is not met

    View Event →
    Connect to the Miracle of YOU ~ Your Authentic Self
    5:45 PM17:45

    Connect to the Miracle of YOU ~ Your Authentic Self

    Location: 1025 Andrew Drive  West Chester,PA 19380  Phone: 610-429-4920

    Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

    Abundance Exchange: Your smile:)

    Chamberlain Chiropractics is graciously hosting Christi to speak about connecting to the Miracle of YOU. Everyone is a Beautiful Miracle & connecting to this Truth...to your Authentic Self...will change your Life! You are born BIG...LIMITLESS BEYOND BELIEF!! Let's talk about how to access that power...that Light...that Truth...& begin to Imagine your NEW Life ~ Loving & Living it!! 

    Dr.Jeff Chamberlain is a fellow Journeyman...& has shared with me not only his skill as a chiropractor, but his Beautiful Light! If you have been considering Chiropractic Care, please use this opportunity to check him out & his space. ~Christi 



    View Event →
    An Adventure with Spirit
    7:30 PM19:30

    An Adventure with Spirit

    Spirit blends & works through Christi in an organic fluid way to bring forward knowledge, encouragement, validation, healing, love...whatever the group is needing. She will begin the evening by explaining what may happen & will then open to Spirit...asking to be used for her highest level of service for your highest good. She will then allow Spirit to lead from there. She may use channeling, mediumship, etc...however she is Inspired. Please bring questions with you that you have of Spirit. Join us for this unique opportunity...it will touch your Soul!

    Abundance Exchange: $35.00

    Limited Seats Available

    View Event →
    Spiritual Awareness ~ A Beginner Psychic Development Course
    to Mar 11

    Spiritual Awareness ~ A Beginner Psychic Development Course

    Abundance Exchange:  $140.00 (4-Week Course)     

    Duration: 90 minutes                                                    

    This course is for those who would like to find their connection to their own Soul, to open themselves to their Sixth Sense, and who are willing to explore the idea that they are in fact a spiritual being living in a physical world.

    Can you feel a tremor?  A niggle in your mind?  A shimmer of excitement?  Your Soul is calling! Do you know what that feels like?  We all want to be happy, but do we know how to do it?  Are you living the life of your dreams? Would you know where to begin?  There is only one of you in the whole world and you are a unique bright light that yearns to shine!  Your Soul knows the way and wants to share it with you! 

    Christi provides a safe, loving and encouraging environment for you to explore this connection.  Spirit Inspired topics may include:

    • Energy & Grounding
    • Intuition & Knowing
    • Power of Thoughts/Law of Attraction
    • Meeting Guides: Spirit & Animals
    • Past Lives
    • Chakras, Auras, & Colors
    • Mediumship ~ The Clairs
    "Awakening is defined as a moment of becoming suddenly aware of something, an act of waking from sleep or the beginning of something.  This would be like defining the ocean as a large collection of water drops.  It loses the feelings of awe, vastness, fluidity, power, peace and the pure jubilation of your Soul in its presence."  ~ Christi



    View Event →
    Positively YOU Class
    6:30 PM18:30

    Positively YOU Class

    Duration: 90 Minutes

    Abundance Exchange: $35.00

    There is only one of you in the whole world!!! That is how special you are!!! Are you letting your negative mind chatter take center stage in your life? Or are you beating yourself up when an issue comes back around....that you thought you had already handled? Or perhaps you aren't sure what you are "supposed" to be doing in your life? 

    Let's talk about how to tap into YOU. Christi is passionate about reminding you of the Beautiful Light YOU are ...& all that comes with claiming that for yourself.  



    View Event →
    Mediumship~4-Week Course
    to Mar 8

    Mediumship~4-Week Course

    Duration: 90 Minutes

    Abundance Exchange: $140.00 (4 week course)

    Are you interested in connecting to those on the Other Side? Whether you are a beginner, trying to re-open a connection you shut down earlier in life, or are a practicing medium...Christi will meet you where you are at on this fascinating Journey. To become a confident medium it takes not only practice, but a willingness to surrender. Are you being led to Serve in this way?

    Come join us for new exercises & techniques...to stretch you while being supported in a safe loving environment. 




    View Event →
    For the Love of Self
    2:00 PM14:00

    For the Love of Self

    Abundance Exchange: $35.00

    Duration: Approximately 90 minutes

    It's Love Month!! Let's direct a little Love at YOU!! There is only one of you in the whole World...that is just how precious you are! You are loving, you are loveable, you are loved, you are Love!!! How would Knowing this...Feeling this..change your World?

    Christi will spend part of this class time allowing Spirit to speak through her about how you are seen through their eyes and then she will give you some exercises & tools on how to:

    • clear out the negative chatter & beliefs
    • keep & strengthen the positive
    • solidify what you Know to be true
    • FEEL the presence of your own Soul & how much you are loved  
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    Maine Spiritual Life Lessons
    6:00 PM18:00

    Maine Spiritual Life Lessons

    Abundance Exchange: $100.00 (4-week course)

    Duration: 60minutes

    A little bit of summer in January...

    As many of you know, The cabin on The lake in Maine is a little slice of Heaven on Earth for me. This summer, I was blessed to spend 3 weeks in this heart space. This was a transformational time... in the stillness...in Nature...in connection to others ~ truths were revealed. Spirit has inspired me to share what I learned & so this course is being offered. ~ Christi

    Lessons such as:

    • Life is not separate from you...you are a part of it
    • You are perfectly designed...simply BE
    • Go within & know yourSELF...be strong in YOU

    Christi will share her experiences as well as make space & guide you with the intention that you experience the same. She will also discuss how you can become more aware of Spirit's guidance & revealed truths in your own life. When you become aware of these truths, you can then practice embodying them..truly Know them...& spend more time in a state of peace.


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    Spirit-Guided Meditation at 7:00pm
    7:00 PM19:00

    Spirit-Guided Meditation at 7:00pm

    Duration:  Approximately 45 minutes                                                                                    Abundance Exchange:  Goodwill Offering

    Please arrive early, meditations will begin promptly and need to remain distraction free.

    Meditation has been used through the ages to quiet the mind, center yourself, and truly connect with your Soul.  In this high paced, activity packed life today, the mind needs time for stillness more than ever.  Yes, meditation relieves stress, helps you sleep better, improves concentration, etc.  which are all great benefits, but how can you hear your Soul when its voice is drowned out by the noise of everyday craziness?  How can you feel its presence when you are constantly moving?  If you cannot connect & hear your Soul's desires, how will you ever let it inspire & empower you? 

    There is only one of you in the whole world!  What a rare & precious gift you are!!  Make time to connect to your Soul & then from that empowered heart-centered space, share your bright light with the world! 

    "In the stillness, we are able to connect with our Soul, hear its whispered desires, and feel its strength, beauty & love.  In that moment, there is a fullness - a completeness that brings peace."  ~ Christi

    Christi asks at the beginning of a meditation that she be used in her highest service for your highest good.  She does not plan the meditations ahead of time.  She opens up and connects with Spirit allowing for her words to be inspired and guided as needed by the group. 

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