
I LOVE this definition from the Oxford Dictionary!

Gratitude: noun. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

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Gratitude is a quality…a FEELing that wells up within you…warms your insides like hot chocolate…and makes you smile softly & your eyes alight with LOVE:)

Of Being…you have to BE in the moment to receive the gift…the Blessing that is right in front of you so you may FEEL 

Thankful for its presence in your life.   

Yummy, right?!

Now look at the next part of the definition... it makes my Spirit SING!!

Readiness to show appreciation for…by being present in the moment and letting yourself receive the Beauty of the gift, you OPEN. The stories, the walls, the critical voice…do not exist here. You are simply OPEN…wonderfully connected to YOU. Gratitude can then be expressed not only through words and deeds, but through YOU - Being JOY, Love & Peace in the World.

…and to return the Kindness. You simply want to share..the FEELing is too Good, BIG, & Delicious to keep to yourself. Plus you couldn’t keep it to yourself if you wanted to…you are Radiant! Woohooooo!!!!

The Power of Gratitude…who knew?;)LOL 

Right NOW…I am FEELing Grateful for:

Being able to serve you & Spirit,
Your Precious Light in the World
…. & not completely burning dinner while I was getting this out to you:)

What are you Grateful for? Can you FEEL it? Take a moment…try it out. I believe it has the power to transform your World…I Know it continues to transform mine.

xo Christi

Be YOU…Be Love...Simply Shine

February Love

My New Year's resolution is simply stated...LOVE.

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Be LOVE...radiate be present in every moment & allow LOVE to flow. It made me think about how I can put more LOVE out into the world...& encourage others to do the same. Today I was Inspired to fill a bag with washable crayons & a big handheld mirror. I have handed out the crayons to friends & strangers alike...writing on the mirror "You are LOVEd" & then turning the mirror for them to look. Everyone has smiled....even the guy who at first didn't want the crayon...LOVE certainly has a way about it;) I asked them to share their LOVE by writing on their mirrors at home...notes to themselves or to LOVEd ones. Join me...either grab some of those washable crayons or post it notes...write it BIG...share your LOVE...& see it ripple.

Please share...let's get everyone writing & radiating LOVE. You are LOVEd!!!

~Christi Rafferty



Love in December


"It's important to remember that we all have magic inside us." ~ JK Rowling

YES!!! We are made of stardust & all things sparkly after all;) Smile BIG, feel your eyes twinkle & unleash your Magic!!! May need to put some music on & dance around before starting:)...always a good thing!!! Simply SHINE!!!

~Christi Rafferty

Love in December


"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." ~Rumi

If you are not following a path you love...the urging of your heart's desires...what's the point? Live your life with heart w i d e open & see where that takes you...simply SHINE!!!

~Christi Rafferty



Love in December

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit." ~e.e.cummings

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YES!!! Believe in are a Magnificent One-Of-A-Kind Masterpiece after all!!!...but you don't have to wait until you do to have your spirit revealed to you.  Life is made to delight, explore & amaze...just give yourself a moment to let it do just that. The minute you do...your Spirit will be there to celebrate it with you. EnJOY!!!

~ Christi Rafferty

Love in December

"You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe deserve your love and affection." ~Buddha

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Be Kind...always be kind to yourself. When the critical voice comes into your mind, smile & say to it "Be Kind". It can take some practice when your internal radio is set on constant negative mind chatter...but how wonderful when it turns to the LOVE station!!:)...definitely worth the effort. All it takes is a quick moment..."Be Kind". Try it out are SO worth it! Remember there's only one of you in the whole world...what's not to LOVE? Xxoo

~Christi Rafferty

Love in December

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"We are what we believe we are." ~ C.S. Lewis

I believe in YOU!!! YOU are MAGNIFICENT....a One-Of-A-Kind Masterpiece!!!

What do you believe? Start believing in the MIRACLE that is YOU!!! You are LOVEd!!!

~Christi Rafferty