My New Year's resolution is simply stated...LOVE.
Be LOVE...radiate be present in every moment & allow LOVE to flow. It made me think about how I can put more LOVE out into the world...& encourage others to do the same. Today I was Inspired to fill a bag with washable crayons & a big handheld mirror. I have handed out the crayons to friends & strangers alike...writing on the mirror "You are LOVEd" & then turning the mirror for them to look. Everyone has smiled....even the guy who at first didn't want the crayon...LOVE certainly has a way about it;) I asked them to share their LOVE by writing on their mirrors at home...notes to themselves or to LOVEd ones. Join me...either grab some of those washable crayons or post it notes...write it BIG...share your LOVE...& see it ripple.
Please share...let's get everyone writing & radiating LOVE. You are LOVEd!!!
~Christi Rafferty