Love in December

"You are not a drop in the ocean.  You are the entire ocean in a drop." ~Rumi

You have a choice of how to view yourSELF & your World.

I believe that you are the entire ocean in a drop. Yes, you may chuckle that of course I would. I am an Optimist... and proud to be so. Look where that takes me...


You are SO MAGNIFICENT, Powerful, Limitless...YOU are Pure AWESOMENESS!!! There's only one of YOU in the whole World!!! What can be more Precious & Awesome than that?!? What if you allowed yourSELF to BE & Live that Truth? What if you SHINEd THAT in the World? 

You have a choice....a choice to BE & LIVE your MAGNIFICENT Self...I see YOU & YOU are such a Blessing!!! Choose YOU...& SHINE!!! 

~Christi Rafferty

